Wednesday, June 1, 2011

Flaming Faucets Could Be Coming to Brooklyn

New York Attorney General Eric T. Schneiderman filed a suit against the federal government to halt the issuing of final rules on the controversial fracking technique until a study is complete.  The method of extracting natural gas from the ground uses a ton of chemicals that gas company officials admitted were hazardous in the documentary "Gasland." In numerous cases, wells have transformed nearby residents' sinks into fireplaces. 

The Army Corps of Engineers has previously stated that "the federal law requiring an environmental study does not apply to the commission because the regional body is not a federal agency," which is kind of like saying the laws against criminals don't apply to me because I'm not a criminal.

The Delaware River Basin has been called "the Saudi Arabia of natural gas."  It also includes part of New York's watershed from which NYC drinking water comes. All they have to do is get some bottled water company to send in its lobbyists in exchange for lucrative contracts and we'll be barbequing in our bathrooms by next year.    

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